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Milling using the Robotic Arm (click for more)

The milling process for each individual joint between two wood logs, that are located in the middle of one of the arches, by using the Robotic Arm, located in Bezalel. A 3D model of the joint we want to mill was designed in the 3D program “Rhino”, and then transferred and processed in the Robotic Arms program “Eureka”. This same file was then translated to “G-Code”, so that the robotic arm would move during the milling in a specific route that we defined. To make sure the wood log we wish to mill wouldn’t move, we fastened the log using nuts and threaded rods, with a combination of wooden pieces to raise its height – to position it at the start of the axis of the robotic arm. Before we begin the milling process, we must reset the robotic arm and hoose the location of beginning of our unprocessed materiel in relation to the space its positioned. The milling process by itself takes about 25 minutes. The time it takes to fasten our wood logs to the Robotic Arms table takes between 40 to 50 minutes, but we are currently working on a faster and more efficient method. Overall, there are about 36 joints needed to be milled to build our Pavilion.

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