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Hello Architect makers…. with the culmination of the second week the clichéd saying time flies when you are having a fun took on a whole new meaning for us. This week we split into four groups of three, containing a person skilled by one of each workshop. The goal is to combine the skill acquired in each seminar to create an innovative pavilion proposal. We began the week with four pavilions-Igloo, Triangles, Ninja and Dragon- and ended with one. Long discussion and a voting system took place at the end of the week to choose the winning design, the one and only, the Ninja.





vote, vote, vote

the process:

Hello Architect makers.... with the first week coming to an end we would like to reflect upon it. This week each of us chose a field of interest and did a workshop expanding on the topic; wood kerfing, engineering and climates. we gained skills regarding each of the three workshops. The wood kerfing experiments with parametric patterns, their flexibility and curvature using grasshopper. While the engineering group learned Karamba in grasshopper understanding mass distribution and tension vs compression in parametric code. The third group learned LadyBug in grasshopper where the microclimates in a specific location at a certain time is determined. We each specialized in different integral parts that will build up our pavilion.

After the workshopss we split into groups developing joints, patterns, strips/ surfaces, and tensile structures. This taught us different qualities that the playwood has and its strength and weakness under different conditions and functions. The best part is that we got to share the knowledge we discovered and gained with our colleagues during our group interactions and presentation. With a first week starting off right, we can’t wait to see what the second week has to offer ;)

Hello architect makers….. this is our very first blog post introducing ourselves. We are a group of determined third year architecture students who are intrigued by the craft of architecture and making. Through this blog you will be able follow our journey of learning, creating and building our very own parametric pavilion this summer using multiple techniques learned. Throughout the process we will be meeting and collaborating with different people teaching us their working plan and methods, thus helping us improve our design. So… with a lot of excitement, let’s begin!!!



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